The 5 Best Benefits of a Forklift Car Lift Attachment

Moving vehicles is one of the most challenging and time-consuming tasks for vehicle storage applications, like repossession, impound lots, and large auto shops. Calling a tow truck for every move isn’t practical, and it’s dangerous for workers and the cars to manually push them across the lot. 

A forklift car lift attachment offers a practical solution. With a low upfront investment, this tool can significantly enhance the safety and efficiency of your vehicle storage lot. Here are just five of the benefits a forklift car lift attachment can offer.

5 Reasons To Invest in a Forklift Car Lift Attachment

Investing in a forklift lifting attachment can transform your vehicle storage operations. Here are five compelling reasons to consider adding this versatile tool to your equipment lineup:

1. Increased Efficiency

For vehicle storage needs— whether it be an auto shop or an impound lot — moving cars is likely one of the most time-consuming parts of your day. You either have to hire an expensive tow truck and wait around for it to show up, or you have to spend time looking for the correct set of keys and hope the vehicle actually starts up. If it doesn’t, and you’re not able to get a tow truck to your lot on time, you’re either stuck, or your workers may have to push a vehicle to its new destination on your lot. None of these solutions are efficient, and some are even dangerous. 

With a forklift car lift attachment, you remove all of these hassles. These attachments are easy to install and operate. Simply assemble the car lift attachment according to instructions and have your forklift-certified driver hop on. They can conveniently drive to the troublesome vehicle, lift the front or back wheels, and tow the car to its destination. 

There will no longer be a need to search for keys or wait for a battery jump or a tow truck. Just jump in and move the vehicle safely to its new location.

2. Superior Versatility

A forklift car lift attachment is a versatile tool that can handle a variety of vehicles and situations. The attachment can accommodate different vehicle sizes and types, whether you need to move compact cars, larger SUVs, or even trucks. This versatility ensures that you are prepared for any vehicle-moving task that comes your way, making it a valuable asset for your vehicle storage lot or auto shop. 

Additionally, the attachment can be used in different weather conditions and terrains, allowing for seamless operations regardless of external factors. This adaptability reduces downtime and enhances the overall productivity of your operations, ensuring that you can meet your business’s demands.

3. Improved Safety

When you don’t have a safe method of transporting damaged or non-functional vehicles, your workers are likely pushing vehicles across your lot. It might seem necessary when this is your only solution, but it is dangerous. By investing in a forklift car attachment, you’re helping remove your workers from situations where they’re likely to be injured. 

We get it — calling a tow truck every time you need a car moved adds up. And when you have the necessary guys on staff, it seems easy to just push the vehicle where it needs to go. But this isn’t a safe way to move vehicles. Luckily, most forklift car attachments provide a helpful, efficient solution at a low investment cost. 

For example, if you invest in the Forklift Wrecker, an investment like that can pay for itself just in the savings you’ll make by not having to call the tow truck. Plus, since you won’t have to call your workers off their jobs to push a vehicle around, they’ll be able to get more of their work done in a day.

4. Reduced Damage

When moving cars around, you’re responsible for any damage that occurs. Having your service techs push vehicles across your lot isn’t just dangerous for them, but it often causes damage to the vehicle. Cars can easily scrape up against something, crash into another vehicle on your lot, or just sustain damage from all the effort that’s going into moving it improperly. 

With a forklift car lift attachment, vehicles can be moved quickly and safely. Forklift car lift attachments work similarly to a traditional wheel lift. C-hooks are pushed under the two front wheels of a vehicle. The forklift lifts those wheels, your technicians secure them with tow straps, and you can safely pull that vehicle wherever it needs to go. In the case of severely damaged vehicles, you can even use the forklift car lift attachment to lift the rear wheels if the front wheels are inaccessible.

This ensures that no matter the vehicle’s current condition, you aren’t making it any worse when transporting it. Again, given the low investment cost of a forklift car lift attachment, this tool will likely pay for itself in the damage you avoid.

5. High Cost Savings

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again – investing in a forklift car lift attachment can lead to significant cost savings over time. By eliminating the need to hire tow trucks for every vehicle move, you save on towing fees, which can add up quickly. 

Moreover, reducing vehicle damage and worker injuries also translates to lower repair and medical costs, contributing to your bottom line. The efficiency gained from using a forklift car lift attachment means that your workers can focus on their primary tasks, leading to increased productivity and potentially higher revenue. 

Invest in the Ultimate Vehicle Moving Solution: The Forklift Wrecker

When you’re looking for the best forklift car lift attachment, look no further than the Forklift Wrecker. Designed for maximum efficiency, safety, and versatility, the Forklift Wrecker is your go-to solution for moving vehicles effortlessly. 

Here’s how it works:

  • Slide onto the forks of your forklift.
  • Tighten bolts to secure attachment to forks.
  • It’s time to go! Push the attachment under the vehicle’s wheels. The “C-Hooks” pivot around the parked vehicle’s wheels.
  • Lift the vehicle and secure it with the provided wheel straps.
  • Move it!

Reach out to us online or call us today to learn more about how the Forklift Wrecker can revolutionize your vehicle storage operations.

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